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Finally all of us like pretty, color coded code, correct. Here is the code to have the Flash actionscript editor program color code your keywords:
<?xml VERSION="1.0"?>
<folder VERSION="6" id="com.ahfx" index="true" name="com.ahfx" tiptext="Contains info for com.ahfx package">
<folder VERSION="6" id="[com.ahfx.ShoppingCart]" name="ShoppingCart" tiptext="ShoppingCart">
<folder VERSION="6" id="Methods" name="Methods" tiptext="Shopping Cart methods">
text=".addElement(% object %)"
tiptext="Number: returns the total of the price of the Products in the Shopping Cart" />
<folder name="Types" id="Types" index="true" tiptext="Types that can be used for strong typing">
tiptext="ShoppingCart type"
text="ShoppingCart" />
<identifier text="ShoppingCart" />
<identifier text=".addElement" />
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