Creating you own custom classes can be great, but you have to do a little to make them as user-friendly as the built-in classes in Flash. This tutorial will cover how to do the following:
Add your custom class and methods to the actions panel.
Add your custom class methods to a popup list of methods
Add a specific extention to your class.
Add your custom class to the strong typing dropdown.
Color code your class and method keywords.
All of these items can be done from one xml file. It doesn't matter what you call this file as long as it ends in .xml and is placed in the following folder:
Go to the <-Macromedia install folder-> FirstRun\ActionsPanel\CustomActions
I named my file AHFXActions.xml. Here is the beginning code.
For those of you that don't know much about xml, the first line merely defines what type of file this is. Every tag must be closed in an xml document because xml follows the standards and is a "well formed" document. They can be closed by either a full tag like the </actionspanel> tag or by placing a slash (/) before the closing > of the tag. You'll see this type a little later.
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