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About AH Digital FX Studios 

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About AH Digital FX Studios - ahfx.com

AH Digital FX Studios specializes in providing compelling websites that provide the user with a media rich interface. We help incorporate compelling visual effects with proven marketing strategies to maximize the effectiveness of your website. We provide web development services for all sizes of businesses and are dedicated to helping each of our clients effectively use the Internet to increase their business.

We also provide website hosting, domain registration, database integration, and custom graphic design. If you would like a quote or more information please e-mail us with the link below.

Click here to contact AH Digital FX Studios

Owner of AHFX - Adam Hayes

AH Digital FX Studios is owned and operated by Adam Hayes. He is a graduate of BYU-Idaho. He graduated Summa Cum Laude and top in his class. Adam started programming when he was 14. He loved programming but wanted to use his artistic talent also. He found that web development allowed him the opportunity to have a career where he would be able to utilize both of these skills.

Adam started AH Digital FX Studios in June 2002. He has enjoyed meeting and helping new clients and especially likes meeting new people from all over the world.


Featured Tutorials

Flash Shopping Cart Tutorial
Create a custom Flash Shopping Cart that will add, update, and show products.

Flash MX 2004 Custom Actions
Take your custom classes to the next level and have Flash treat them as built in classes.

Pass Variables to Flash
Quick and dirty way of passing variables to your flash animations.

Affordable Web Design and Hosting
Find out how you can cut your overhead by hosting with AHFX.net

Affordable Custom Art
Get your pictures custom framed. Amazing Prices. Outstanding Quality.

AH Digital FX Studios
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