Actionscript 2.0 Shopping Cart
I want to explore the getTotal() method in detail.
function getTotal():Number{
var total = 0;
var i;
var tempProduct:Product = cart[i];
total += tempProduct.getTotal();
return total;
This method will return the total of all of the products in the cart. We first create a local variable named total. We also create a local variable named i for use in our for loop.
The for loop will examine each of the Products in the Shopping cart. We create a temporary Product named tempProduct and cast it to a Product.(When we get the item out of the cart, the computer does not know what type of object it is. We must tell it that it is a Product. This is done by the :Product).
Once we have gotten the Product out of the cart, we get its total using the Product getTotal() method. This total is added to our local variable total. (total += tempProduct.getTotal(); is the same as total = total + tempProduct.getTotal(); )
The size() method just returns the number of elements in the array. The getElement just returns the object at that position.
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