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Actionscript 2.0 Flash Implementation

If everything went well you will get a display of a heading row, two items, and grand total row. Now you can change the quantity textbox to a input box and make your update_btn active. After a little tweaking it looks like this:

Now if you change the quantity and hit update, you will get a new total for that item and a new grand total. You can also create "Add to Cart" buttons to add items into the cart. New output looks like this:

If you want to be able to remove an item from the cart you will need to change the Shopping Cart Actionscript 2.0 Class to look like this:

import com.ahfx.Product;
class com.ahfx.Shopping {
   private var cart:Array;
   private var elementCount:Number;
   function Shopping(){
      cart = new Array(20);
      elementCount = 0;
   function addElement(object){
      cart[elementCount++] = object;
   function getTotal():Number{
      var total = 0;
      var i;
         var tempProduct:Product = cart[i];
         total += tempProduct.getTotal();
      return total;
   function size():Number{
      return elementCount;
   function getElement(index){
      return cart[index];
   function removeElementAt(index) {
      if (index <= elementCount && index > -1){
         delete cart[index];
         for (var i = index+1; i<elementCount; i++) {
            cart[i-1] = cart[i];

Our new output is more attractive and it has reduced the file size to 1KB.

Continue to page 5


Featured Tutorials

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